02-18-19 |
Phil & Marina Success Story |
Marina: When I got registered on the site I didn't expect that destiny would bring me to Australia.. that my man would be from the so-far-away country! It looked unbelievable!
We were communicating with Phil on the site, my interpreter helped me to translate the letters, Phil was so generous and always sent gifts to me... I thought that he was just my distant admirer, but I was mistaken...
He took a tour around Russia and invited me to spend New Year 2016 in Moscow. He bought flight tickets to me, I caught a plane and came to meet him. I didn't know English and he didn't speak Russian, but he always repeated that I am beautiful) It was really fun!
I thought that he was looking for just a companion, but next, he invited me to visit him in Australia and organized my trip there.
I was fully in love, I felt like I was on the seventh heaven!

When I came to Australia to meet Phil he asked me to get married to him... It was a very unexpected proposition for me. I didn't know how to react... I didn't say him YES straight away, I decided to torture him.
So, the story waits for the continuation...